For non-Arabic speakers, the translation we recommend is the following:
by M. A. S. Abdel Haleem
Also available in Hardback:
Look Inside the translation.
Reasons for Recommendation
Most popular translators have not been able to successfully adapt their translation to familiar English grammar. Abdel Haleem's translation is an excellent adaptation of the Arabic Qur'an into modern, easy to to understand English language, and avoids the common archaism found in other translations. Words such as 'hath', 'doth' and 'doeth' which interrupt the flow of reading are not used, and the reading is fluid and enjoyable. This aspect is particularly important because the original Qur'an is written in clear and easy to understand Arabic and the English remains loyal to this aspect of the original Qur'an. Haleem's translation is also written in a more familiar novel-book layout, encouraging readers to read from front to back.
Important Note: All translations are work of human, therefore can be subject to inaccuracy, bias or prejudice. Readers are advised to exercise such cautions also with this translation. Believers should seek to verify translations of verses which appear contradictory to overall Quranic message. provides useful information for one undertaking such study.
Recommend this translation to others:
See also: Qur'an Presentations (Based on Abdel Haleem Translation)
Understanding the Arabic Language does not Mean One Understands the Qur'an
Reading the Qur'an but Practising Something Else